Now that you have created a collection on OpenSea you can create an NFT (the last step in the 5 Steps to Create Your First NFT).
This guide walks you through specific steps to create an NFT on OpenSea. Its very straightforward but I thought I would provide an example where I went through the process myself to create a NFT.
Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents
Getting Started
To create an NFT on OpenSea you need to go to a collection you created and click on Add Item. Here I’m using the Mako Memes collection I created previously.

Step 1
First you will create a new item by uploading your digital file. As you can see you have the option to upload an image, video, audio, or 3D Model. Various file types are supported up to a maximum size of 40 MB. Here I uploaded a meme I created for use on Twitter.

Step 2
Give your item a name. Here I just called my meme The Solution. For a larger project you could base the name on the collection name and the sequence number in the collection.

Step 3
Add an external link. It’s optional. I didn’t add a link for this item. Adding a link is useful for larger projects in which you have a site devoted to the promotion of the project.

Step 4
Give your item a description. Here you might want to put any copyright and fair use information about your NFT. In the larger projects like Hashmasks, the owner of the NFT has the right to do anything with the NFT commercially that he or she wants. If you want to protect your intellectual property this seems to be the only place to do it. In my case I’m not trying to protect an IP so I just identified myself as the creator. If somebody where to buy it I have no issue with how they would use it. It’s just a meme. I just want credit as the original creator. Once the NFT is created it becomes documented on the blockchain.

Step 5
In this step the collection you that you started the process in Step 1 is selected is the default. You can select another collection you want the item to be a part of if you started in the wrong collection.

Step 6
In this step you can give your NFT different properties, levels, and statistics. This creates metadata that is useful for helping collectors understand and determine the rarity of the NFT you are creating. In this case I only created two properties: Text and Image. These are the basic properties of any meme. If you were creating collector items Levels and Stats can be added to the NFT metadata.

Step 7
Finally you can add Unlockable Content to your item. Toggle on to provide redemption codes, access keys, or a link to a file. Toggle the Explicit & Sensitive Content switch if you are creating a NSFW NFT. Otherwise, scroll to the bottom and push create.

The other items shown are information only about supply (only 1 for now), the blockchain that the NFT is being created on (Ethereum), and a notification that you can’t freeze the metadata until the item is created.

That’s It
That’s how you create an NFT on OpenSea. Now keep on creating.